I have mentioned before that as I get older (but miraculously manage to keep my girlish figure....*insert pffft noise here*), I notice more and more obsessive compulsive behaviour. No.2 on the list involves Toilet Paper.
Listen up peoples... the paper on toilet paper rolls must hang
OVER, not under!!! Seriously. The world would be a better place if we all turned the toilet rolls over. Well, maybe not the
whole world. But my little world would be better if we did :-) It would save me from having to do it.
Yes, you heard me. I will change your toilet roll around. A friend told me once that if I kept doing it at her place, I would have to leave toilet paper origami. So I did. I made a fan (convenient for a bathroom).
I have some theories why this is the better way for toilet paper to be:
- It doesn't keep rolling once you tear off what you need
- Following on from 1, chances are you will use less if it isn't free flowing (environmentally friendly!)
- It is more aesthetically pleasing
And finally, the most important one:
- Tiz will be a much happier little Vegemite* who doesn't weird you out by loitering in your bathroom trying to turn the roll around!
So please, spread the word and make a change! Your house, your friend's place, restaurants.... (but you can skip the public loos... eewww!!).
I will thank you for it with toilet paper origami.
+ I don't actually like Vegemite, but "little Nutella" doesn't have the same ring to it...
++ I'd also like to give a shout-out to my friend Naomi, who also turns the paper around. She also spells really well ;-)