Saturday, May 16, 2009

Standing Room Only.

On a 'night in' at a friend's place, a group of us started playing Trivial Pursuit ( the electronic version... pretty spiffy!). And it wasn't long before I got into trouble...

Not for cheating. Not for drinking too much... (we all were - a certain someone was drinking straight from the champagne bottle.. you know who you are! And that's why I ♥ you!).

No, I got into trouble for.... standing up. I know. How dare I!! What a sick, perverted individual I am (probably...).

So I have a fidgeting problem... So what! No need to pick on me. At first, I would sit down whenever they asked what the hell I was doing, but then I would be up again without realising. So I decided to stay up. They did not like.

Oh well, they may have mocked me (and still do)... but my team mate and I won! So there. *blows raspberry in their general direction*

1 comment:

  1. Winning is the best way to win out over mockery. I alwas jiggle my feet when I sit for to long and then people sitting near me yell... maybe I should try standing up...
