Tuesday, July 14, 2009

OCD Tendencies (Vol 3) - Eating.

So, I may have mentioned before that as the years pass but I miraculously manage to stay the same age (insert snort of disbelief here), I notice more and more obsessive compulsive behaviour. No.3 on the list involves eating food.

(If you read the post about me counting and sorting mixed nuts, you may know where this is headed...)

I like to eat bits of food in pairs (or any multiple of two really). For example, I have to have 2 or 4 bits of pasta on my fork. Also, I have to eat even numbers of olives. I will try to offload the extra one to someone else. Once, I even put an extra olive back into the salad bowl.. at a restaurant. True story.

And yes, I have counted peas before.

I don't know how or why this behaviour started... Although, I first remember doing it with fries. Oh, and FYI, the fries have to be of similar length otherwise I won't eat them. Halves of a piece of food are ok, given that I eat both halves - like with a boiled egg or cherry tomato that has been cut in half.

Obviously, this isn't the case when eating a piece of steak, or fish, or a slice of pizza. I mean, come on, I am not that crazy*.

*Obviously I need to eat an even number of pizza slices.


  1. I always always sort my M&Ms into colours, then I eat them in pairs. Never one at a time.

  2. No, never one at a time.

    I like to make sure I eat one of each colour, and then start again.. lol

  3. I won't make fun of you because I have my own OCD-esque behaviour.. when I close/lock the door in the morning, I have to kinda pull it back and forth (so I know its locked for SURE) at least 4 times. Otherwise walking away, I honestly feel like the door may not be locked! Its horrible..

  4. Hmm you do know you're actually quite mad don't you? (goes off to furiously count all the soaps in the bathroom and line them up perfectly along the edge of the bath)
